Video: Biking on Turtle Mountain

by | Sep 28, 2016 | Videos

Video Description:

In the town of the Crowsnest Pass, Alberta, where I grew up, there is a mountain called Turtle Mountain. It’s famous for the Frank Slide which is a massive rock slide that covered the town of Frank when about half of the mountain fell and crumbled.

Lots of people hike this mountain as it has great views and is a quick, but steep, climb. Not as many people, however, mountain bike down the trail. I went out one day with two friends, Riley and Ryan, however and we decided to hike up with our bikes and ride down. We filmed the whole thing with my DJI quadcopter, and this video is what I edited together.

The ride down is tough and in some parts impossible with the rock ledges and loose rocks, so we had to push our bikes down some sections. The worst part for me was that I would set up at the top of a section with my quadcopter while Ryan and Riley rode down the trail. Then I would land the quadcopter and strap it to my backpack before catching up to them below. So, doing the ride down the mountain is hard enough by itself, but with a large backpack and an expensive flying camera on the outside it made me even more nervous.

The wind was also really strong on the day that we rode down with made it difficult to fly and film the guys riding down, but the gusts were also sometimes strong enough to knock you off balance on the bike. But all in all, it was great to get out for a ride and I hope the video shows how unique of a ride it was. Hope you enjoy!